
Go is a strategy game, arguably the oldest played by humans. I spent many years thinking “I’d like to play that someday,” but after seeing it played in Pi and A Beautiful Mind in 2001 finally set to teach myself. I learned the basics online (at Yahoo Games and Sensei’s Library), talked a few friends into playing, and even attended a few public gatherings. Will and Steve have long since surpassed me, and I hover around 24 kyu on Dragon Go and rarely win games on IGS. As I write this in mid 2004, I’m just beginning to realize that I only have enough practice to understand life and death, and do not yet have any of the intuitions I need to grow. Experience comes from experiment, with quickly-played games. So, I’ve ordered some 9x9 boards to keep at home and office and resolve to visit goproblems.com more regularly.

I posted this in April 2006 during week 1676.

For more, you should follow me on the fediverse: @hans@gerwitz.com