Keep Digging

John Gruber has called attention to Digg’s shameful revival of site framing, and I share his disgust. Though I’ve no expectation of Digg traffic to my little blog, on principle I feel compelled to participate and block the DiggBarr from obscuring my URLs.

Phil Nelson and Shawn Medero’s DiggBarred handles this nicely for Wordpress, using server scripting to present a different page to browsers loading into a DiggBar frame. But to be polite to my little server slice, I like to use WP Super Cache in “full on” mode, which precludes consistent per-request processing by plugins.

I could use Apache mod_rewrite rules to similar affect, but that’s another layer of configuration I want to avoid and is, like PHP solutions, Digg-specific.

So I’d like to use client scripting. Faruk Ateş has offered DiggBar killer JavaScript, which is still Digg-specific and too nice.

Perhaps we should refine the typical frame-busting approach (detect when the page is framed and reload the window directly to the page) and take a frame-embracing stance (reload the page with their frame):

I’ve put that code here for testing, which can be seen by viewing this post’s Digg URL:

I posted this in April 2009 during week 1831.

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