So far I’m only collecting research done by others. Gerwitz My fraternal grandfather’s line has been thoroughly researched by Ellen Gerwitz and ties in to some other extensive histories including Gentner. Kuhlman My father says his mother’s line is well researched and has referred me to a cousin. There’s a book out there somewhere (Maryland Catholics?) that reportedly traces the line back to immigration to Baltimore via the ships The Arc and The Dove back all the way through Sir Thomas More. Rasch This is my maternal grandfather’s line. I have some notes written by my uncle that I’ve transcribed to GED. They cover a wide and deep span, yet are sparse on information beyond names. Much more work to be done, here. Davidson My mother was sent a detailed document by a member of her mother’s line that is rich with information, including a great story about my great-great. I’ve transcribed it into GED and found it covers over 250 individuals back to one of my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers.