Political Tests
I score solidly in the corner of Idealism quadrant of the Environics “Fire and Ice” social values assessment. (Found via Dave Pollard.)
I wonder if this might correlate to The Political Compass, where I have been centering over time (2002-01-19, 2003-07-14, 2003-10-12, 2005-02-04) but in no danger of falling left or right. Multiple Nolan scale tests have placed me near 100% personal and 60% economic self-government, which I also suspect would correlate to the compass.
My 2005 F-score is 1.66, which makes me “a whining rotter.”
See also the Slate Red or Blue test from the exciting election season of 2004.
The Moral Politics test says -3.5 on the Moral Order axis and -2 on the Moral Rules axis as of 2005-09-09.