
So many TV shows are currently using Zoom, Skype, etc. for interviews, with all of the variable quality we expect of these platforms.

Aren’t there any tools they can use to retroactively upgrade this footage for production, with local recordings transferred asynchronously?

Just another Fox-era bit of news for Americans, but incomprehensible from outside: Michigan government shut down in fear of “an armed protest and death threats”

This is a nice overview of computational vs ecological models of perception. Everything is information but we are not Von Neumann machines with distinct inputs and outputs.

Donald Trump has a compass only for popularity. Americans, even “real” ones, both support lockdown and fear for the economic impact, so are not making any choices for him. Even Fox News fails to speak with certainty!

All he has left is ratings. The show will only get weirder.

If you make this article more accurate by replacing the word “food” with “meat”, it sounds like fine news, long term, to me.