The possessive of my given name is spelled Hans’s.
Before you 'splain why I'm wrong about my own name, study up.
Let us not forget the legacies of Jay Dickey, Todd Tiahrt, and Larry Craig.
Without their historic efforts, Americans today might not be living in fear of violent slaughter.
So I visited directly for the first time in a while. It thought my primary feed should feature a politician remembering a preacher because I follow someone who follows him.
I don't want an algorithm managing my attention until it's at least smarter than a pig.
Thanks to the NLRB and James Damore for establishing that “ignorant, redpilling, self-important priviledgepricks” is not a protected group.
My favorite part of the splainweb is how a simple query like “does anyone like blueberries?” is met with paragraphs about how strawberries aren't really berries.
It's incredibly nice to lunch with an American friend and not discuss the current state of politics.