
Two podcast episodes brought tears to my eyes yesterday. First, John Green on sunsets is simply beautiful. Then This American Life documenting the end of Roe on the ground evoked that “you can never go back” nostalgia for a better America.

I’m getting used to riding on windy days, but it’s demoralizing when a wind turbine turns to look directly at me.

7 hours of sunlight in winter, 16 in summer. Living this far north really makes the seasons noticeable.

I must resist porting my site to Lume only to learn about Deno.

I must resist porting my site to Lume only to learn about Deno.

I must resist porting my site to Lume only to learn about Deno.

TIL I may call my stack of papers a vertically oriented, containerless Noguchi Filing System.

I’m boring, but I ❤️ seeing all the identity exploration these days.

As a mere ally, I fly the old SF pride flag to broadcast the value of diverse society. Pride flag

And that of @HRC because we have to work towards realizing it. Human Rights Campaign logo