Week 2491

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I’ve been sleeping poorly, but at least that means I make progress on my Instapaper queue.

I half-hoped that by December work would be quieting down, but the org change we’re going through in Design alongside planning for next year has certainly prevented that. Nonetheless, it feels productive so is less tiring. Even more important, I don’t feel like I have to defend the team or the work nearly as often lately. Maybe that’s because I’ve finally built up some credibility, but probably it’s only because the skeptics have other concerns.

They’ve decided to turn off the Amsterdam Light Festival installations early, to avoid people from crowding outside? More likely, they are motivated to qualify for government assistance. It feels like a perfect example of how the Dutch have handled the pandemic, as if it’s all just some formality.

2 Notes

I love to see the product backlash against operational agile worship, but we need a well-written manifesto for value orientation.

The EU is in a serious learning period over how to hold member states accountable to the union’s values. I find it surprising the mainstream press isn’t covering this more. https://twitter.com/teobone/status/1466447923772891136