Week 2523
Work is overwhelming me. Not in raw time, more like too many different contexts to juggle.
Too much fun in the form of rum on Tuesday prompted us to stay sober the rest of the week.
So I got rides in on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Three days in a row and my body got the hint; my metabolism has me running warm and I can’t drink enough water.
Shannon found a garage for sale in a great neighborhood, and it has us thinking seriously about having a studio space again. Like reviving The Artificial as a place, but not as an agency.
2 Notes
I’m getting used to riding on windy days, but it’s demoralizing when a wind turbine turns to look directly at me.

Two podcast episodes brought tears to my eyes yesterday. First, John Green on sunsets is simply beautiful. Then This American Life documenting the end of Roe on the ground evoked that “you can never go back” nostalgia for a better America.