Week 2596

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I really need to create some structure for my workweek. Not just context changes, but modal shifts from focus to note-taking to discussion leave me more exhausted than seems necessary. Let’s call this a new year resolution.

Increasingly, candidates I’m interviewing reference my website. It’s been quite a long time since I’ve thought of it being really public, and I need to digest this a bit. These notes are probably the most personal thing I share and I already write them with an eye towards potential exposure, so probably the only change to my perspective is that I feel bad about not updating other content.

Monday, I went to Utrecht for a dinner with local work colleagues, who have roles that I would probably otherwise never encounter. Introvert-exhausting, but still fun. Wednesday I went out for drinks with Jeroen and tried a new bar (Vault) but discovered that a different bar concept I was excited about (virgin drinks with alchohol upgrades) isn’t going to survive. Why can’t we have nice things?

This weekend, Shannon began the mass holiday cookie production and I fear for my health.