Week 2622

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On Monday morning, we were concerned enough with Shannon’s persistant cough that she walked with me to the huisarts and I asked them for an unscheduled consult. This resulted in a lot of tests and attention including spending the afternoon and early evening in the hospital to get the details on her bilateral pneumonia. She’s checked back in and as I write this on Sunday has just finished her antibiotics but expects to receive more tomorrow. She’s coughing much less but is still so ill that she’s under doctor’s orders not to start work yet.

If you are familiar with Dutch medicine, you know how serious that is. Still, every day is a slight improvement.

Not wanting to be away long, I took only a very fast trip to London to see our new office there (which Mark did an amazing job with). Between that and the day off on Monday, it didn’t feel like a full week, yet I feel like I had a few meaningful insights.