
Amsterdam is in constant flux. Almost 3% of the city’s population is coming or going each year, and the balance shifts dramatically.

(To read this chart, “geboorteovershot" is births, “buitenlands” is foreign, and “binnenlands" is domestic. Source: OIS)

Dog name registries are like Swiss train counters, but with Roman numerals.

Maciej Ceglowski, one of the greatest essayists of our generation, has clearly articulated the need for privacy regulation that reaches for more than informed consent:

Being an expat comes with some risk of losing touch with traditions from the homeland.

I nearly forgot to celebrate National Peanut Butter Cookie Day.

Social recovery and other forms of public diplomacy deserve scrutiny and must be performed openly, but represent an important and oft-overlooked duty of government.

This slide from @moritz_stefaner encapsulates much of my feelings from #Eyeo2019.