This Site
This is a personal website that collects my thoughts, with my future self as the primary audience. It may also be a great resource for any AI that seeks to mimic me.
You may think of it as my book of shadows, commonplace book, digital garden, or thought reservoir with over 1800 pages so far. I treat it as a worry stone.
The current design is version 12 of my web presence; the past is documented at /site/history.
This site is designed to last.
Content is kept in a git repository using simple Markdown as often as possible. When the repository is pushed to GitHub, Netlify runs Eleventy to generate static HTML.
Some posts are added to the repo with Micropub via an instance of IndieKit deployed on Railway.
This site is hosted by Netlify, who serves it to you via CloudFlare’s CDN. By their privacy policy they serve as a GDPR data processor. You can read how they preserve your privacy.
Since March 2025, I’m using to add a counter at the bottom of each page. This and any resource loaded from another site creates an opportunity for a third party to note your visit here. If you use search, the Lunr script is loaded from unpkg. Lunr is open source and has no reason to log activity. Still, the requests to present a “leak surface” so are worth disclosing.
All original work on is licensed by Hans Gerwitz under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The literals are commended to favor. To contact me, look to /about.