…om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen per eind 2020 met minstens 25 procent terug te dringen ten opzichte van 1990 definitief in stand blijft.
A functioning government holds itself accountable to honor commitments.
We generally get less narcissistic as we age. (n=747)
So it’s true, the kids are snowflakes.
Yet! Somehow the boomers started out so hyper-sensitive they remain the most self-absorbed, even in old age.
I know this controversy is a month old, but I think Apple is wrong to remove apps that control vaping devices. The world is not safer or healthier with only disconnected vape sticks.
“We can no longer pretend that Google is a positive force in the world.”
When we’re done with this fruitless impeachment, can move on to arranging Trump’s damnatio memoriae?
It’s pitiful that the US worldview has become so red-vs-blue that we debate which side the Hong Kong protestors are on.
Their left and right are fighting together for representative democracy. Democrats and Republicans ought to stand together for that.